Observed and urbanization-adjusted annual maximum peak discharge and associated urban fraction and precipitation values at USGS streamgage:

Observed annual peak-flood magnitudes were adjusted to 2010 land-use conditions on the basis of panel data regression model with fixed effect analysis.  The symbols presented in the figure are: "observed annual peaks", "adjusted annual peaks", and   "fraction of urbanization in the watershed"

Legend for Graph

Water year Segment Discharge code Cumulative reservoir storage (acre-feet) Urban fraction Precipitation (inches) Observed peak discharge (ft3/s) Adjusted peak discharge (ft3/s) Exceedance probability
1940 1 -- 7303 0.016 0.447 3600 4010 0.735
1941 1 -- 7303 0.017 0.270 2150 2450 0.898
1942 1 -- 7303 0.018 0.161 4260 4710 0.646
1943 1 -- 7303 0.018 0.533 6350 6930 0.374
1944 1 -- 7303 0.019 0.685 4820 5300 0.571
1945 1 -- 7303 0.019 0.055 3550 3940 0.744
1946 1 -- 7303 0.020 0.680 3200 3570 0.785
1947 1 -- 7303 0.021 0.592 3970 4380 0.687
1948 1 -- 7303 0.021 0.310 4420 4860 0.628
1949 1 -- 7303 0.022 0.214 3500 3880 0.752
1950 1 -- 7303 0.022 0.019 5910 6440 0.425
1951 1 -- 7303 0.023 0.341 3890 4280 0.700
1952 1 -- 7303 0.024 0.923 4200 4610 0.658
1953 1 -- 7303 0.025 0.179 2650 2960 0.851
1954 1 -- 7303 0.026 0.379 3620 3990 0.738
1955 1 -- 7303 0.027 0.057 5040 5480 0.544
1956 1 -- 7303 0.028 0.702 4540 4950 0.618
1957 1 -- 7303 0.029 0.762 4240 4630 0.656
1958 1 -- 7303 0.030 1.234 3480 3820 0.758
1959 1 7303 0.031 0.082 5100 5530 0.538
1960 1 -- 7303 0.031 0.025 4160 4530 0.668
1961 1 -- 7303 0.032 0.179 4640 5030 0.608
1962 1 -- 7303 0.033 0.439 4840 5240 0.580
1963 1 -- 7303 0.034 0.139 3410 3730 0.768
1964 1 2 8057 0.035 0.286 2200 2440 0.899
1965 1 -- 8057 0.035 0.741 3760 4090 0.725
1966 1 -- 8057 0.036 0.257 4270 4620 0.657
1967 1 -- 8057 0.037 0.431 4770 5140 0.595
1968 1 -- 8057 0.038 0.053 5020 5400 0.556
1969 1 -- 8057 0.038 0.238 4770 5130 0.596
1970 1 -- 8057 0.039 1.574 4030 4350 0.691
1971 1 -- 8057 0.041 0.398 3590 3880 0.752
1972 1 -- 8057 0.043 0.370 4220 4530 0.668
1973 1 -- 8057 0.045 0.382 5060 5400 0.556
1974 1 -- 8057 0.047 0.865 4700 5010 0.611
1975 1 -- 8057 0.049 0.525 4720 5020 0.609
1976 1 -- 8057 0.050 0.823 5200 5510 0.540
1977 1 -- 17057 0.052 0.470 4250 4510 0.671
1978 1 -- 17057 0.054 0.970 5490 5790 0.502
1979 1 -- 17057 0.056 0.834 5420 5700 0.513
1980 1 -- 17057 0.058 0.134 4030 4250 0.704
1981 1 17057 0.059 0.192 6200 6490 0.419
1982 1 17057 0.060 0.225 7650 7970 0.285
1983 1 -- 17057 0.061 0.414 5120 5360 0.561
1984 1 -- 17108 0.062 0.226 4290 4500 0.672
1985 1 -- 17108 0.063 0.017 6340 6610 0.406
1986 1 -- 17108 0.064 0.510 4700 4910 0.622
1987 1 -- 17108 0.065 0.203 4450 4650 0.654
1988 1 -- 17108 0.066 0.381 4300 4490 0.674
1989 1 -- 17108 0.067 0.726 4830 5030 0.609
1990 1 -- 17108 0.068 0.440 5150 5350 0.563
1991 1 -- 17108 0.070 0.229 5660 5860 0.493
1992 1 -- 17108 0.073 0.385 2820 2940 0.852
1993 1 -- 17108 0.075 0.346 5580 5750 0.507
1994 1 -- 17108 0.077 0.143 5480 5630 0.523
1995 1 -- 17108 0.079 0.197 4430 4550 0.666
1996 1 -- 17108 0.081 0.242 5480 5600 0.527
1997 1 -- 17108 0.083 0.334 5850 5970 0.480
1998 1 -- 17108 0.086 0.351 5220 5310 0.568
1999 1 -- 17108 0.088 0.215 5160 5240 0.579
2000 1 -- 17108 0.090 0.624 4480 4540 0.667
2001 1 -- 17108 0.091 1.278 4600 4660 0.652
2002 1 -- 17108 0.092 0.282 5110 5160 0.590
2003 1 -- 17108 0.093 0.532 4510 4550 0.665
2004 1 -- 17108 0.094 0.027 3570 3600 0.781
2005 1 -- 17108 0.095 0.411 5570 5610 0.527
2006 1 -- 17108 0.097 0.098 3500 3520 0.790
2007 1 -- 17108 0.098 0.399 5500 5520 0.539
2008 1 -- 17108 0.099 0.029 6230 6250 0.447
2009 1 -- 17108 0.100 0.455 6460 6470 0.422